"There are an estimated 27 to 30 million enslaved in the World today - as many as 50% are believed to be Children, the most ever in recorded history and 50% of these victims are children under the age of 18. The exploitation industry profits over $20 billion yearly. These methods of trafficking include: hard labor, drugs and/or the illegal trafficking of weapons, sweat shops, children used in war, and/or the most previlant type, prostitution. The selling and purchasing of human beings is illegal in every part of the world however it occurs anywhere and everywhere. These survivors are NEVER paid; they are beaten, raped, starved, and overall brutalized. Those that fight these crimes against humanity are known as Abolitionists. Together we can end this horror & stop the traffic. God bless you..." from their Tumblr blog· http://27millionslaves.tumblr.com/
On Facebook: "Help be a voice for the 50 million girls who have “gone missing” in India over the past three generations due to female feticide, infanticide, and dowry murders. Please sign the petition demanding that the Indian government end this silent gendercide."
I was thinking of many Third World Countries who supply and sell babies for adoption to Americans. (I am posting about adoption scandals all month on this blog.)
I was thinking of Haiti who still practices a form of child slavery and indenture.
I was thinking of religions who spawn hate, intolerance and murder.
I was thinking of Malala, a child, who was shot in the head.
I was thinking of Indian Country and centuries of oppression and poverty.
I was thinking of babies around the world who will suffer, who may become slaves.
What are we going to do about this?
Is adoption the solution?
Is America and democracy the better way to raise children?
Is this the big reason why so many Americans decide to adopt intercountry in this century?
Is "adoption" and "Americans adopting from Third World Countries" the answer again and again?
If we are to fight for the safety of babies across the world, what other options are there?
Thinking that I am a human rights activist, what are the solutions for child slavery and human trafficking?
Please leave a comment.... Thank you, Trace
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